Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I know I should....

Ok, I will admit...I am a complete failure when it comes to taking vitamins.  I get on a kick, take them for 3 days and then stop.  Why do I stop you ask.  My first response is that I forget to take them.  Then I will say that I do not like the taste and I always feel like my vitamins are with me, in burp format, for the rest of the day. 

Solution you say...take them before bed.  Ok, I am trying that.  Last night, however, I woke up in the middle of the night with some stomach issues.  This continued until about noon today.  Was this related to the midnight vitamin ingestion?  I have to think that the answer is yes.  

So here I am tonight, ready to go to bed.  The question....do I take the vitamins?  I review the bottles. Two of the 3 suggest that they be taken with a meal. While I am not eating a meal now, I have eaten in the past 2 hours so I decide this is fine since my stomach is not technically empty.  

What will happen to me in the middle of the night....in the morning?  Am I getting the benefits I am supposed to be getting from these vitamins or are they just being disposed of in another format 12 hours later?  

Are there some other vitamin solutions out there.  Really...I want ONE...that will give me all that I need without discomfort and the sudden urge to rush to the bathroom or cover my mouth.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...I've been thinking about this and have similar issues. Have you tried the Rainbow Light brand? I don't have tummy troubles...even on those days when I actually remember to take them!